Gloria Group buys Cementos Otorongo from Votorantim

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Peru: Consorcio Cementero del Sur (CCS), a subsidiary of Gloria Group, has signed a contract to buy all of Brazil’s Votorantim’s shares in Cementos Otorongo for US$4m and those of Votorantim’s subsidiary Corporación Noroeste. Cementos Otorongo is planning to build a cement plant in southern Peru for US$125m, according to the Gestión newspaper. Cementos Otorongo submitted an environmental impact study on the project in 2011 for proposed sites in La Joya, Arequipa and Mollendo, Islay. The planned plant will have a production capacity of 0.65Mt/yr.

This story was corrected on 18 August 2016 following clarification from Votorantim.

Last modified on 27 June 2024

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