US: VHSC Cement has announced the commercial release of Pozzoslag 1.2, a cementitious material made using coal fly ash as a raw material. VHSC promotes its product as a partial replacement to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), offering early set times, greater long-term strength and enhanced concrete durability. Users are also able to reduce their chemical additive packages and lower the total amount of cementitious binder material.
"Pozzoslag 1.2 is created using a patented process that was introduced into commercial operations in November of 2012. This new product uses raw fly ash as a base material to produce a cementitious blend of material that meets grade 120 slag strengths based on ASTM 989 testing protocols. Using Pozzoslag in concrete allows very high durability at routine replacement factors in the 55-65% range," said Buddy Pike, president of VHSC Cement.
VHSC Cement developed Pozzoslag to overcome the early set time issues that have historically hindered the use of higher volumes of fly ash and slag in many cement applications. Currently this process is used to produce materials that are currently being used in ready mix concrete, highways, roads, building foundations and precast and concrete products.
Pozzoslag 1.2 from the Limestone facility in Texas meets ASTM C989 performance specifications as a Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS). These products meet Grade 120 slag requirements.