Australia: After being mothballed in 2012, the disused Hydro Aluminium plant on Kooragang Island could soon be operational again. The site is set to be reincarnated as a cement-mixing plant. Vue Australia has lodged a US$3m plan with Newcastle council to change the site's use from an aluminium transfer, storage and dispatch facility to a cement storage and transfer plant.
Under the plan, Vue will transfer, store and dispatch an estimated 300,000t/yr of Portland cement, utilising the site's existing three large silos and overhead conveyor. Much of Vue's US$3m investment will be spent on installing dust-control measures, particularly in truck-loading areas.
Vue is also seeking approval to operate 24hr/day, every day, because it needs to do so when a ship arrives with raw materials to unload. "This is expected to occur some 16 times a year," said a company spokesperson. The conveyor to the silos would carry raw products delivered by ship. The cement products would be dispatched via road tankers to customers.
Dust-emission reports and environmental reports have been submitted. An environmental impact statement concluded that potential environmental impacts associated with the upgrade are negligible and could be managed through the implementation of the mitigation measures identified by the study.
Vue said that it hopes to have the new cement plant operating within months. While the project would only create a small amount of jobs, the company said that it would help to diversify the port's industry, put mothballed infrastructure to work and 'increase competition within the New South Wales cement market and related construction industry.'