Displaying items by tag: GCW302
Federal Antimonopoly Service approves deals between SibCem with Angarskcement and Iskitimcement
12 May 2017Russia: The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has approved Siberian Cement Holding Company (SibCem) to acquire executive body rights in Angarskcement and Iskitimcement. In the case of the transactions, the charter capital structure of Angarskcement and Iskitimcement will not change, the companies will sign management contracts, according to the Kommersant newspaper. Sibcem holds a 49.9% stake in Iskitimcement, via Topkinsky Cement, and a 43.33% stake in Angarskcement.
Greece: Titan Group’s finances recorded an improvement in the first quarter of 2017, primarily due to the continued recovery of the US market. All geographic regions where the group operates recorded higher sales volumes with the exception of Greece, where demand remains stagnant at low levels.
Consolidated turnover was Euro361.8m, a 7.1% increase year-or-year compared to the first quarter of 2016. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 18% to Euro51.1m. The net result after minority interests and the provision for taxes was a loss of Euro3.9m versus a loss of Euro18.6m.
The US market continues to constitute the main regional growth driver for Titan. Turnover in the country rose by 26.9% year-on-year to Euro221.2m. EBITDA almost doubled to Euro34.1m from Euro17.9m in the same period of 2016.
In Greece, residential building activity remained at very low levels, affected by the domestic economic crisis and increased uncertainty. Certain major public road projects were concluded early in 2017 leading to lower cement consumption. Export volumes were lower than the previous year due to competitive global conditions. The subdued market coupled with increased energy costs led to a decline in profitability. In total, group turnover for Greece and Western Europe for the first quarter of 2017 declined by 7.7% to Euro57.6m, while EBITDA, suffering from higher energy costs, fell to Euro4.4m from Euro8.3m.
Turnover in the markets of Southeastern Europe increased in the quarter but continuing competitive pressures and higher energy costs, both negatively impacted profitability. Total turnover increased by 5.8% to Euro37.9m, while EBITDA declined to Euro3.8m from Euro6.3m.
In Egypt, the group’s plants have been in full operation utilising locally-ground solid fuels, which allowed for an increase in production and sales volumes in the first quarter of 2017. The group said that the economy has not yet adjusted to the large devaluation of the Egyptian Pound in 2016 and a climate of uncertainty and volatility is affecting building activity and market prices. Turnover in Egypt during the first quarter was Euro45.2m, a significant increase in local currency but a 30.8% decline in Euro-terms, while EBITDA reached Euro8.9m, a 17.4% decline in Euro terms.
In Turkey demand was affected by a heavy winter and negative foreign exchange differences further impacted Adocim’s results. The net result attributable to Titan was a Euro0.5m loss versus a profit of Euro0.4m.
In Brazil, despite the improvement in key macroeconomic indicators, the market remained in decline compared to the same period in 2016. The signs of improvement in the construction confidence index have yet to be translated into an increase in demand for building materials.
Raysut Cement reports 62% slump in profit for Q1
11 May 2017Oman: Raysut Cement has reported a 62% fall year-on-year in its net profit for the three months to 31 March 2017, due to lower sales volume and increased taxes this year. The group net profit fell to US$8.0m against a group net profit of US$21.0m during the corresponding period of 2016.
The cement producer said that its profit dropped because of significant increase in cost of electricity, lower sales volumes and an increase in the tax rate from 12% to 15%.
The group as a whole sold 0.76Mt of cement during the period from 1.02Mt of cement sold previously, a year-on-year decline of nearly 25%. While sales at the parent company fell by 19%, Raysut Cement's UAE subsidiary Pioneer Cement recorded a 35.4% decline in sales volumes. Revenue earned by Pioneer Cement dropped by 34.3% to US$13.3m compared to US$20.3m.
Saudi Arabian first quarter results round-up
11 May 2017Saudi Arabia: Tabuk Cement made a net profit of US$2.3m in the first quarter of 2017 from revenues of US$15.3m. For the same period, Umm Al Qura Cement made a net profit of US$4.5m from revenues of US$13.8m. Saudi Cement made a net profit of US$44m and Yanbu Cement made US$33m in profit from revenues of US$81.9m. Eastern Province Cement made US$13.3m from total sales of US$53.9m.