Displaying items by tag: Suez
Cemex and SUEZ mark alternative fuel milestone at Rugby cement plant
11 December 2024UK: Cemex and SUEZ Recycling and Recovery have celebrated the use of 1Mt of alternative fuel at Cemex’s Rugby cement plant since the adjacent SUEZ Malpass Farm facility opened in 2015. The partnership has reduced coal consumption at the plant by over 750,000t, alongside downstream CO₂ savings from supply chain emissions transporting and shipping coal on-site.
SUEZ processes non-recyclable materials at Cemex’s Rugby facility to produce Climafuel. The fuel is derived from sifted and shredded waste from local authorities and businesses in the Midlands, and is used to heat the kiln at the neighbouring Cemex plant. Ash from the Climafuel is also incorporated into clinker production.
Phil Baynes-Clarke, director of cement operations for Cemex UK, said “Since 2013, we have collaborated closely with SUEZ to produce Climafuel, a refuse-derived, non-fossil-based alternative fuel used to heat the kiln in the cement-making process. Over the past decade, Climafuel usage has steadily increased at our Rugby cement plant. Our ultimate goal is to operate the kiln with 100% alternative fuels, and we are getting close to this target.”
Suez Cement to invest US$20m in waste heat recovery system
15 September 2021Egypt: Suez Cement is planning to invest US$20m on an 18MW waste heat recovery unit at its integrated Helwan plant. The subsidiary of Germany-based HeidelbergCement started the project in mid-2021 and expects to complete it by the end of 2022. It is currently negotiating with suppliers and hopes to appoint one soon with construction scheduled for 2022.
Oman: Four French investors and technology suppliers, including Fives and Suez, have created a syndicate to develop business opportunities in the Special Economic Zone Authority of Duqm. The other partners are CMA CGM and EDF Renewables. The companies intend to assess various investment options in the area and develop them. In particular, the syndicate has an interest in a ‘global approach to cement factory ecosystems’ and related facilities including transport facilities, a solar power generation plant and the production of alternative fuels.
Not in my cement kiln: waste fuels in Morocco
08 February 2017Last week’s Global CemFuels Conference in Barcelona raised a considerable amount of information about the state of the alternative fuels market for the cement industry and recent technical advances. One particular facet that stuck out were reports from cement and waste producers, from their perspective, about Morocco’s decision to ban imports of waste from Italy in mid-2016. The debacle raises prickly questions about how decisive attempts to reduce carbon emissions can be.
Public outcry broke out in Morocco in July 2016 over imports of refuse derived fuel (RDF) imported from Italy for use at a cement plant in the country. At the time a ship carrying 2500t of RDF was stopped at the Jorf Lasfar port. Local media and activists presented the shipment in terms of a dangerous waste, ‘too toxic’ for a European country, which was being dumped on a developing one. Public outcry followed and despite attempts to calm the situation the government soon banned imports of ‘waste’.
What wasn’t much reported at the time was that RDF usage rates in Europe have been rising in recent years and that the product is viewed as a commodity. As Michele Graffigna from HeidelbergCement explained at the conference in his presentation, its subsidiary Italcementi runs seven cement plants in Italy but only two of them have the permits to use alternative fuels like RDF. Italy also has amongst the lowest rates of alternative fuels usage in Europe, in part due to issues with legislation. This is changing slowly but the company has an export strategy for waste fuels from the country at the moment. Italy’s largest cement producer wants to use waste fuels in Italy but it can’t fully, so it is exporting them so it (and others) is exporting them to countries where it can.
In the Waste Hierarchy, using waste as energy fits in the ‘other recovery’ section near the bottom of the inverted pyramid, but it is still preferable to disposal. Waste fuels may be smelly, unsightly and have other concerns but they are a better environmental option than burning fossil fuels. HeidelbergCement engaged locally with media and local authorities to try and convey this. It also arranged visits to RDF production sites in Italy and German cement plant that use RDF to present its message. Looking to the future, HeidelbergCement now plans to focus on local waste production in Morocco with projects for a tyre shredder at a cement plant and an RDF production site at a Marrakesh landfill site in the pipeline. Graffigna didn’t say so directly, but the decision to focus on local waste supplies clearly dispenses with historical and cultural baggage of moving ‘dirty’ products between countries.
In another talk, at the conference Andy Hill of Suez then mentioned the Morocco situation from his company’s angle. His point was that moving waste fuels around can carry risks and that a waste management company, like Suez, knows how to handle them. It is worth pointing out here that Suez UK has supplied solid recovered fuel (SRF) to the country so it has a commercial interest here. He also suggested that despatching a bulk vessel of waste to a sensitive market did not help the situation and that it heightened negative publicity.
Morocco’s decision to ban the import of waste fuels in mid-2016 is an unfortunate speed bump along the highway to a more sustainable cement industry. It raises all sorts of issues about public perceptions of environmental efforts to clean up the cement industry and where they clash with commercially minded attempts to do so by the cement producers. A similar battle is playing out in Ireland between locals in Limerick and Irish Cement, as it tries to start burning tyres and RDF. These are not new issues. Meanwhile in the background the amendment to the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme draws close with a vote set for mid-February 2017. It could have implications for all of this depending on what happens. More on this later in the month.