The 6th Global FutureCem Conference will take place in Munich, Bavaria on 21 - 22 January 2026
'Maximising profit from cement industry decarbonisation'
6th Global FutureCem Conference, Exhibition & Awards on cement industry decarbonisation
21 - 22 January 2026, Munich, Germany
"The event has been fantastic, one of the very best I ever participated in." Dr Joe Harder, OneStone Consulting
The 6th Global FutureCem Conference will examine the next steps forward for the cement industry in a low- or zero-carbon world, through decarbonisation. Cement producers - who already produce, package, distribute and sell cementitious materials - are ideally placed to become the leaders in the new ‘no-carbon’ cements. Covering all the alternatives to OPC, as well as low-carbon options for concrete, this conference will examine the way forward - to future cements.
Alternative fuels are covered in our sister-event Global CemFuels; Cement industry carbon capture and sequestration is covered in our sister-event Global CemCCUS; and Slag beneficiation, trade and use is covered in our sister-event Global Slag
See the review of the Global FutureCem Conference 2025
See the conference photo gallery for Global FutureCem Conferencer 2025

Important note: We will never call you about booking hotel rooms for this conference (just use the link on the 'Accomodation' page). If someone calls you offering a discount on hotel rooms, they are trying to scam you. Just put the phone down on them!
Main Themes
- Cement industry decarbonisation
- Alternatives to OPC/CEM 1
- Blended cements
- Low-carbon, low-energy cements
- EU ETS and CBAM developments
- Process optimisation for cement industry decarbonisation
- Process control for cement industry decarbonisation
- Use of AI for cement industry decarbonisation
- Global carbon trading schemes
- 'Eco' cements
- Non-calcined cementitious binders
- Geopolymers
- Bio-analogues
- Alternative raw materials - including slags, ashes, mine tailings, silica fume, recycled glass and concrete, CDM and more...
- Mineralisers and fluxes
- Non-calcareous mineral systems
- Alternative cements
- Fly-ash and slag-based cements
- Fuel options
- Carbon offsets
- Waste heat recovery
- Low CO2 options for concrete
Benefits of participation
- Technical and market trend papers
- Keep up-to-date with the state-of-the-art in cement industry decarbonisation
- Fantastic networking opportunities
- Add value to your existing product mix
- Meet new customers
Who should attend?
- Cement and concrete producers
- Technologists and researchers
- Financiers and entrepreneurs
- Equipment producers and service providers
- Consultants and academics
- Traders and brokers
- ... all others with an interest in cement and concrete decarbonisation
Photo credit: Joselito Ochotorena, Lafarge Exshaw
What the delegates said about 4th Global FutureCem Conference 2023
- Thank you!
- Well done Global team
- Congratulations, good job as always
- Thank you very much for the rigorous time management, the easy-going atmosphere and overall quality of the venue.
- Thank you for a very enjoyable two days.
- Well done
- Keep up with the great work.
- Thanks for the nice event
- Thanks for the very well managed conference
- Nice program
- Good job!
- Repeated arrangement of this kind of conference definitely will give us the road map to net zero achievement
- Overall very impressive
- Thank you for the nice organisation.
- Thanks again for the simple registration and nice (dinner and quiz) evening yesterday!
- Thank you for the effort, and the organisation. The moderator was really good
- Thank you for the excellent organisation
Below: 'Ladies of decarbonisation' at the Global FutureCem Conference 2023.
Read write-ups of previous Global FutureCem Conferences on the 'Past' tab above, or click here.