Q – Why should you submit an article to Global Cement Magazine?
Global Cement Magazine is the most world's most widely-read cement magazine. This is because, in addition to our print distribution, we distribute every issue as a free digital PDF download to nearly 35,000 unique industry email addresses. Global Cement Magazine is the only cement industry publication that is distributed to every cement plant in the world outside of China. This means that can get your article across to many interested readers in the cement sector.
If you want to publish relevant information about any aspect of the cement or lime production process, cement market trends, a case-study about your company's cement sector work or information on a new product, Global Cement Magazine is the ideal platform for you!
Q - What should you send to us?
To be considered for publication, articles must be of relevance to the cement sector or one of a number of closely allied areas, for example: Alternative fuels, cement additives, waste heat recovery, supplementary cementitious materials, trade and trends. In the majority of cases we request that articles are written specifically for publication in Global Cement Magazine, ideally with exclusive content.
We welcome articles from cement plants, consultants and industry experts regarding projects or upgrades from cement plants around the world, including: changes to the process, plant expansions, installation of emissions abatement equipment, waste heat recovery, alternative fuels and other topics.
If the article is a case-study from a company that supplies the cement industry with equipment, goods or services, the text of the article should not be overtly commercial. It should concentrate on factual elements of what was provided and how this was of benefit to the cement company. This can be backed up with appropriate data, tables and graphs. Real-world technical case-studies are of great interest to readers while being an excellent way to show off your company's expertise.
Q - How many words and images?
Word limits depend on the agreed number of pages that your article will fill in Global Cement Magazine, although most technical articles will be two pages. Feature and keynote articles can be longer, subject to discussion with the Editorial Team.
As well as the main text, please supply relevant high-resolution images (JPEG preferred), other graphics or tables to illustrate the article separately.
Q – What about deadlines?
We start to plan every issue of Global Cement Magazine around six months ahead of publication. Please check our Editorial Schedule to see which issue might suit your chosen topic best.
Once you contact the Editorial Team, we will agree a deadline by which you must submit your article. After we receive your article and images, we will lay out the material for publication. We will then send a draft PDF back to you as laid out for publication, usually within two working weeks of receiving your material.
After you receive our PDF proof, there will be a two week period for corrections and comments. After you have returned any corrections to us, we will conduct a final check for English and house-style, prior to publication. If any further questions arise at this point, we will contact you for clarification.
Q – How do I submit my article?
In the first instance, contact the editorial team on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +44 (0) 1372 743837