Zimbabwe/Mozambique: South African cement manufacturer PPC's (Pretoria Portland Cement) Zimbabwean subsidiary, Portland Holdings Limited (PHL), is to build a new cement plant in the country to service its markets in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The new plant will produce about 1Mt/yr of cement and will work alongside a separate grinding facility being constructed in Tete in Mozambique.
"In recent years our investment in Zimbabwe has show strong growth on the back of a more buoyant and stable economy," said PPC's chief executive officer, Ketso Gordhan. "This, together with the fact that PPC has received an indigenisation certificate, makes us optimistic about the future of the economy and the country as a whole."
"The construction of additional cement capacity will ensure that PPC continues to be a key player in the development of infrastructure in Zimbabwe and neighbouring countries," added Gordhan. "It is totally in line with our stated strategy of growing our non-South African revenue from the current 21% to at least 40% by 2016.
"Not only will this investment address the expected future increase in cement demand in Zimbabwe but create employment opportunities, beneficiation of the country's mineral reserves and a significant growth opportunity for our indigenisation partners," said PHL's managing director, Zak Limbada.