Displaying items by tag: Bedeschi
Italy: Bedeschi has finalised a new contract to supply Buzzi Unicem’s Guidonia integrated cement plant with a double-stage crushing unit. Each machine has a capacity of 750t/hr with two 315kW power systems installed. The system will receive limestone lumps of up to 600mm in diameter and will output limestone lumps below 50mm. No value for the order has been disclosed.
Türkiye: Italy-based Bedeschi says that it received an order for four pipe conveyers and an SHL 26/1000 ship loader from Medcem Cement. Medcem Cement will install the equipment as part of an expansion to its Yeşilovacık cement and clinker terminal in Mersin Province. The conveyors will form a 1km-long system with a conveying capacity of 1000t/hr of cement or 1350t/hr of clinker.
Bedeschi said that it previously supplied a ship loader of the same specifications for the Yeşilovacık terminal.
Portugal: The first batch of clinker has been manufactured on the new upgraded production line at Secil’s Outão plant. Construction and start-up teams from ThyssenKrupp Polysius reached the milestone in mid-April 2023 after a heating period of 72 hours. Germany-based ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions was appointed by Secil to work on the Clean Cement Line project in 2020. It said it was going to modify the existing rotary kiln and preheater tower, install a new calciner and add a new grate cooler. Once finished it will produce Portland limestone cement (PLC). It is scheduled for commissioning in mid-2023.
Italy-based CTP Team was contracted in mid-2020 to supply and install a 29MW waste heat recovery (WHR) unit for the project. It planned to use an organic rankine cycle (ORC) unit using a 7.2MW turbine supplied by Turboden.
Italy-based Bedeschi also revealed in early April 2023 that it was in the cold commissioning phase for a new pipe conveyor at the plant to handle different kinds of alternative fuels. The conveyor has a diameter of 250mm and conveying length of 350m and will transport alternative fuels at a rate of 300m3/hr.
Bedeschi starts new subsidiary in Australia
22 February 2023Australia: Italy-based Bedeschi has started a new subsidiary in Australia. Bedeschi Australia’s head office is based in Perth with satellite offices in Port Hedland and Brisbane. The company is intended to target the mining, port and agricultural sectors. Uwe Zulehner has been appointed as the chief executive officer of Bedeschi Australia.
Ghana: Italy-based Bedeschi has installed handling equipment and conveyor lines for a clinker, bauxite and manganese project at the Port of Takoradi. The initiative is now at the commissioning stage. Bedeschi supplied five conveyor belts with a total length of 3km, two A frame type 50/1400 shiploaders and one eco-hopper. The shiploaders and the eco-hopper were delivered fully erected from the manufacturer’s shipyard directly to the client jetty with a dedicated heavy-lift vessel.
China: Italy-based Bedeschi has appointed Michele Gatto as the managing director of its new Hong Kong-based subsidiary Bedeschi Far East. The company is intended to assist local customers and to support the Far East market both commercially and technically.
Gatto was previously the Sales Director East Asia and Asia Pacific for Aumund from 2019 to 2022. Prior to this he worked for Bedeschi in area manager and sales roles with a focus on Asia. He has also worked for Danieli, Brevnini Power Transmission and Carraro.
Somaliland: MSG Group of Companies through its DIFC Dubai based subsidiary company Horn Holding Group ltd (HHG) has signed an agreement with Bedeschi SPA Italy for the construction of phase 1 of a full cement plant in Berbera, Somaliland. Phase 1, a grinding unit, will take about 18 months and will have production capacity of 0.7Mt/yr. The project has also achieved financing from reputed Italian Financial Institutions. The complete full plant project shall take three years to complete with a production capacity of 1.2Mt/yr of cement and 1.0Mt/yr of clinker.
This article replaces an earlier version that erroneously stated that Raysut Cement was also involved in the project. MSG Group and Global Cement would like to make it clear that MSG Group is the 100% owner of this project.
Domicem awards upgrade of limestone reclaiming system at San Cristobal plant to Bedeschi
04 May 2022Dominican Republic: Colacem Group subsidiary Domicem has awarded the contract to upgrade the limestone reclaiming system at its integrated Sabana Grande de Palenque cement plant in San Cristóbal province to Italy-based Bedeschi. The original stacking and reclaiming equipment, installed by Bedeschi in 2004, allows clay and limestone handling at the plant. The upgraded machine will improve the limestone reclaiming system, increasing its capacity from 200t/hr to 360t/hr, the capacity needed in order to feed a new production line that is being installed at the plant.
US: Italy-based Bedeschi has been awarded a new order for the supply of two BED RNSH 1800/6 type apron feeders for Lehigh Cement’s integrated Mitchell plant in Indiana. The new feeders will be able to process up to 1300t/hr of crushed limestone and they will be placed in the primary and secondary crushing area to replace the old existing machines. They feature super duty design with CAT type chains and a Bedeschi super duty belt. As part of the installation Bedeschi has used a three dimensional survey to define the exact room availability in the existing plant. The new feeders will join three others at the plant that were already ordered as part of an upgrade programme for clay crushing and additive dosing. No value for the order has been disclosed.
Lehigh Cement, a subsidiary of Germany-based HeidelbergCement, resumed work on its US$600m upgrade project at the Mitchell plant in February 2021. Work on the upgrade was suspended in early 2020.
Bedeschi awarded contract for Port of Takoradi in Ghana
21 April 2021Ghana: Italy-based Bedeschi has been awarded a contract to supply and install cargo handling equipment for the Port of Takoradi. The project includes the supply of handling equipment and services for importing clinker and exporting bauxite and manganese. Bedeschi will supply five conveyor belts with a total length of 3km, two type 50/1400 A frame shiploaders and one eco-hopper. The shiploaders and the eco-hopper will be delivered fully erected from the supplier’s shipyard directly to the client jetty with a dedicated heavy lift vessel.
The project will adhere to ‘state of the art’ environmental standards with the use of dust collection and de-dusting system specifically designed for this application. All the conveyors will be closed, included the section where tippers and eco hoppers are in operation. Bedeschi will also provide the computerised control system too. No value for the contract or date of commissioned has been released.