Brazil: Votorantim Cimentos recorded specific CO2 emissions per tonne of cement of 579kg/t in 2022, down by 3% year-on-year from 2021 levels and by 24% from its 1990 baseline.
The group achieved an alternative fuel (AF) thermal substitution rate of 27% in 2022, compared with 22% in 2021, marking strong progress towards its 2030 target of 53%. Meanwhile, its cement’s clinker factor fell to 74% from 75%, against a 2030 target of 68%.
Votorantim Cimentos’ global director of sustainability, institutional relations, product development, engineering and energy, Álvaro Lorenz, said “Fighting the negative effects of climate change is at the heart of our strategy and aligns with our focus on competitiveness and on creating a positive legacy for society. We continue to work to optimise our product portfolio, explore opportunities in the circular economy and develop new technologies. The improvements in our performance in 2022 reinforce our commitment and ongoing efforts to support the carbon neutral agenda.”