- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Cement Magazine
I’ve recently enjoyed a short holiday with my wife, younger daughter and two elderly parents in Sardinia. One evening, after some Sardinian wine, beer and local myrtle liqueur, I wandered out in the chill night to catch some fresh air before bed. I looked out over the night-time hills and valleys and was rapt with the sound of frogs croaking, down the hill in the damp stream. They would go silent for a while, and then one would start up again. Then all the other frogs would join in, and an amphibian cacophony would result. Presumably, at some point in the evening, there would be some kind of frog-based orgy, everyone would get pregnant and the new generation would arise. Biology was never my favourite subject at school.
- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Cement Magazine
Originally, I was planning to write this column on the outcome of Brexit, and how it will change both the UK and the EU. However, the UK parliament has just had a chaotic series of votes on the issue, bordering on anarchy, meaning that we still don’t know the outcome. Parts of the government voted against itself, and government ministers, having just defended their own policies then immediately voted against them. The UK now finds itself in a sort of zombie-zone of not knowing where it will be in a day, a week, a month or a year. The UK may leave the EU with Mrs May’s deal, with another deal yet-to-be-devised (unlikely), or with no deal (alarmingly likely), and it could do any of these things within the next 14 days, next six months or in the next two years. Alternatively, the UK could stay in the EU, with or without going through another divisive referendum. In any case, there will be double-helpings of bitter-tasting humble-pie for all involved. No-one comes out of this process smelling the sweeter for it.
- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Cement Magazine
I can tell you the three most fundamental things you need to know about business in less than 30 seconds. They are hard-won and expensive lessons, but any business that does not apply them will soon be bust. They are as follows:
- Make things that people want to buy;
- Bring in more money than you spend;
- Have money to spend when you need it.
- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Cement Magazine
We recently heard on the grapevine of the passing of another participant in the wider global cement industry, at the much-too-young age of 46. Whenever we hear news like this, which is all-too-frequently, we always loosen our collars and wonder at our own mortality. We will all die - that is a certainty - but we all hope to spend a reasonable amount of time on this Earth before we go, and to depart with dignity and without pain. Ideally, we will leave the planet a better place, through our actions, than when we first arrived. How many of us can say that?
- Written by Robert McCaffrey Editorial Director, Global Cement Magazine
Industry 4.0 was and still is a buzzword for a purported ‘revolution’ in industrial technology, based on artificial intelligence, machine connectedness and automation. Critically, reliable and accurate sensors are used to deliver information - like the senses deliver sensations to the brain. Industry 4.0 (also known as I4.0 or I4) involves cyber-physical systems, which exist in both the physical and virtual worlds, including cyber-twins of machines that can be interrogated and experimented-upon more easily than their real-world equivalents. The machines and computers work together by using transparent data that can be used in a number of systems.