US: Green Business Certification Inc has awarded Titan America’s Pennsuco cement plant in Medley, Florida the TRUE Platinum zero waste certificate. TRUE, which stands for “Total Resource Use and Efficiency,” provides a ratings systems by which facilities can receive recognition for achieving zero waste goals. The Pennsuco plant, “repurposed office supplies and materials, composted organic waste and xeriscaped – the process of landscaping that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation – among other major initiatives.” The plant is the first in the cement industry to achieve TRUE Platinum certification.
Environmental engineer Allyson Tombesi, who led the zero waste recertification, said, “It’s not just about receiving an award: being zero waste is about considering how we can minimise our impacts so that future generations have the opportunity to live in a sustainable environment. The programme was created with a goal to encourage our employees to lead a zero-waste lifestyle at both the plant and at home. Through programme participation, we hope to inspire our employees and our industry to take action that benefits the future of our planet.”