Egypt: Suez Cement, Egypt's biggest cement maker by market value, has said that a lack of fuel supplies had forced it to cut production by as much as 30% so far in 2013. Two years of political upheaval have brought chaos to Egypt's economy and a lack of state funds and foreign currency is now disrupting imports of vital energy supplies.
"A lack of fuel supplies has cut our annual production of 12Mt/yr by 20-30% since the start of the year," said Mohamed Shanan, director of business development at Suez Cement, a subsidiary of Italy's Italcementi. "Any increase in (fuel) prices must be matched by an increase in cement prices," he told local press. He highlighted that fuel costs had doubled in the past three year while cement prices have grown by just 30%.
Long queues at petrol stations, protests at cooking gas shortages and ever more frequent power cuts point to a gathering fuel crisis in the North African country. Energy accounts for around half the cost of producing cement in Egypt.