India: Nuvoco Vistas has launched Duraguard Microfibre Cement, a fibre reinforced cement. The cement’s clinker is 48-52% tricalcium silicate, with low tricalcium aluminate, and contains electrostatically precipitated dry fly ash. The producer says that it offers enhanced bonding, crack resistance, strength and durability and reduced permeability, as well as a smoother surface finish, compared with ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Nuvoco Vistas first applied for a patent for the product in mid-2018.
Managing director Jayakumar Krishnaswamy said "We prioritise innovation. Our Construction Development and Innovation Centre (CDIC) is dedicated to creating sustainable and innovative products that meet the highest global standards. The awarded patent validates our unwavering commitment to innovation and keeps us in the forefront of pioneering advances in the cement industry, delivering exceptional quality and responsible business practices."