Germany: Calix's subsidiary Leilac and Heidelberg Materials have formed a joint venture to build the Leilac-2 low emission cement demonstration plant at Heidelberg's Ennigerloh facility. Construction is set to begin in 2025, with the plant's commissioning scheduled for mid-2026. The Leilac-2 plant will showcase a module capable of capturing up to 100,000t/yr of CO₂ emissions from cement and lime production. Following construction and commissioning, Leilac-2 will be operated for up to three years to test the performance of the technology.
The project benefits from €16m in funding from the EU's Horizons 2020 programme and contributions from partner cement companies. Following construction, Heidelberg Materials may repay Leilac's capital contribution, and the partners will consider a full-scale commercial installation of Leilac technology at a Heidelberg plant. Plans for Leilac-3 envisage a significantly increased capture capacity, potentially capturing 0.5–1Mt/yr of CO₂.
Leilac CEO Daniel Rennie said "The formation of a joint venture with Heidelberg Materials for the Leilac-2 plant marks another important milestone for commercialisation of the Leilac technology. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with Heidelberg Materials to demonstrate and deploy cost-effective solutions to decarbonise cement production at commercial scale.”