India: The Tamil Nadu government has rolled out 'Amma Cement,' a scheme that will see it sell cement at a subsidised rate. According to the scheme, the government will procure 200,000t of cement from the private sector and sell it at US$3/bag in all corporation, Municipalities and other local body limits.
The initiative was launched in Tiruchirappalli on 5 January 2015 and will be expanded in phases and implemented throughout Tamil Nadu by 10 January 2015. Beneficiaries can avail a minimum of 50 bags of cement for 100ft2 and a maximum of 750 bags for 1500ft2 at US$3/bag. They have to submit the approved building plan with the local authorities to use the scheme. Further, 10 - 100 bags will be provided for house repair work. The scheme will also be available to those constructing houses under the government's solar-powered green houses scheme.