India: Jaintia Youth Federation, a social organisation, has demanded the immediate suspension of forest officials who have declared forest areas as 'non-forest' land in the Jaintia Hills area of Meghalaya. The organisation expressed its fury that a large number of cement plants have been effectively allowed to mine limestone in forested areas. It also said that the state government should ask the eight cement companies in Jaintia Hills to contribute to compensatory afforestation.
"Officials who have declared such forests as non-forests need to be suspended and severe action needs to be taken against them as they have cheated and hoodwinked the government and helped the cement companies to function all these years," said the president of Jaintia Youth Federation, refering to a 1996 technical ruling.
Majaw added that similar action to that seen recently against Lafarge needed to be brought against all of the cement companies mining in the same area.