France: Lafarge Syria’s former director Christian Herrault has claimed that Eric Chevallier, the former ambassador to Syria, knew about payments to armed groups by the cement producer. French investigators questioned Herrault in the presence of Chevallier, according to a source quoted by the Agence France Presse. Herrault allegedly said that he had met Chevallier several times, that he knew about the situation and that he said that the company should stay as, “…these problems won't last long."
Jean-Claude Veillard, the group's former security boss, has said he regularly informed French intelligence services about its operations in the region. Investigators have also found evidence of meetings between Lafarge and diplomats, including a note suggesting that one took place in Paris in January 2013.
The investigation is attempting to determine whether LafargeHolcim’s predecessor company Lafarge Syria paid terrorist groups in Syria and how much managers knew about the situation.