Denmark: FLSmidth has completed its acquisition of IMP Automation Group following the approval by the competition authorities. The purchase was first announced in February 2019 when FLSmidth said it was adding the company as part to its portfolio of automated laboratory solutions for the mining industry. It said that the integration of IMP would enable FLSmidth to support the expanding market for automated laboratories, which has experienced recent growth due to a combination of high exploration activity and increased focus on productivity, automation and digitalisation.
"We also see great potential from the joining of our new colleagues to further enhance the development of our digital solutions for mining. For instance, data collected from online analysers and the laboratory can be used to optimise the entire flow sheet for mining operations. Using this data to augment our process optimisation initiatives is an exciting prospect," said Tina Knudsen, FLSmidth’s general manager for Sampling, Preparation and Analysis – Mining.
FLSmidth gains 130 IMP employees, including IMP's managing director, Boyne Hohenstein. The IMP business will be consolidated into FLSmidth from 1 June 2019 and the cost of the purchase will be paid out in the second quarter of 2019.