Displaying items by tag: Conveyor
Qatar: Qatar Primary Materials Company (QPMC) plans to inaugurate its new cement silo project in the first quarter of 2017. The project is located at the Port of Mesaieed and includes two cranes, two conveyor belts, 12 silos each with a storage capacity of 5000t and a total of 60,000t, according to the Gulf Times newspaper. The silos will have a discharge rate of 250t/hr with a total of 1000t/hr. QPMC’s chief executive Eisa al-Hammadi said that the silos were to ensure a ‘sustainable’ supply of cement in the country. The site is intended to store and discharge over 2Mt/yr of cement.
QPMC completed its Bulk Materials Handling System in late 2016, a 4.8km conveyor belt system connecting the Port of Mesaieed to storage areas. The conveyor operates at a speed of 3m/s allowing material to be transported to the destination in under 30 minutes. The building materials distributor says that the conveyor is the first in the Middle East and one of the longest in the world.
Aumund wins order for six production lines in Egypt
11 January 2017Egypt: Aumund has won a contract to supply clinker conveying equipment for six production lines. The tender is part of a project by Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry (CDI), a subsidiary of Sinoma International Engineering, to build the 6000t/day lines for the government. No value has been released for the order.
The lines will each be equipped by Aumund with four 650t/hr BWG belt bucket elevators and three 550t/hr BWZ chain bucket elevators. The machinery package also includes four 170t/hr BWG-L belt bucket elevators, one 80t/hr BWZ-L chain bucket elevator and six 375t/hr pan conveyors for each of the six lines. Altogether the order comprises 108 machines.
The new project in Beni Suef is to be completed by the end of 2020. The pilot phase of the new production lines is due to start as early as December 2017. Aumund will supply the machines to Egypt in three deliveries, between April and June 2017.
Van Beek and Penko develop weighing screw
11 January 2017Netherlands: Van Beek Schroeftransport and Penko Engineering have developed a screw conveyor that can monitor in real time how much product the screw is transporting. Flow on the screw can be set and the screw can also be programmed to stop upon reaching a pre-specified weight or to empty itself and then stop. During operation measurements such as the material speed (m/s), flow rate (kg/s) and transported volumes can be monitored. The weighing screw was exhibited for the first time at the Industrial Processing exhibition in Utrecht in the Netherlands in October 2016.
Aumund India wins orders in conjunction with FLSmidth projects
14 December 2016India: Aumund India has been awarded orders for 17 bucket elevators, eight silo discharge systems and one pan conveyor in connection to orders FLSmidth has received from Tamilnadu Cement, Akij Cement and Shah Cement.
Aumund India will deliver one type BW-ZL bucket elevator, one type BWG belt bucket elevator and three type BWG-GK belt bucket elevators instead of the conventional Aumund type BWZ bucket elevator for the Akij Cement project. For the Tamilnadu Cement project FLSmidth had specific design criteria and wanted a certain safety factor for the chain. So Aumund India provided an optimised solution, which met these specific criteria. It will deliver two type BW-ZL bucket elevators, eight type BWG bucket elevators, eight type SDI silo discharge systems and one type KZB deep drawn pan conveyor. For the Shah Cement project Aumund India will deliver two type BWZ bucket elevators.
New order for Intercem placed by Sea Invest in Abidjan
07 December 2016Ivory Coast: Intercem has been awarded an additional order by Sea Invest for the raw material transport at the 8000t/day cement grinding and packing plant that the contractor is building for Cim Ivoire in Abidjan. The transport system will link an Eco Hopper to the clinker silos and the additive storage at the site. Commissioning is planned for the fourth quarter of 2017.
The order includes the delivery of trough belt conveyors as well as all related components and the transfer tower on an engineering, procurement and construction base including the piling, the foundation works, the steel construction, the cladding of the building, the roofing of the belt bridges, the necessary filters and chutes to the electrical equipment, installation and the commissioning. The scope of supply contains the measurement of the local conditions with a 3D scanning system as well as the mechanical, electrical and civil engineering.
Keith Walking Floor launches Freight Runner Conveyor
28 November 2016Netherlands: Keith is promoting its new Freight Runner Conveyor, a conveying system that can be installed inside a truck trailer as part of its West Coast Tour in the US and worldwide. It is intended to replace the manual process of palletised cargo handling that requires a forklift operator and an employee with a pallet jack. The system can move up to 30t and it can load and or unload a full trailer in two minutes. The system is available in a hydraulic and electric driven motor.
Turkey: General contractor Bilim Makina has commissioned Beumer to supply and mount equipment at a cement plant project in Elazig. The order includes 13 bucket elevators for the transport of cement, clinker and raw meal, six apron conveyors and 13 silo discharge systems for clinker transport. The greenfield plant is expected to achieve a capacity of 5000t/day. Sycs İnşaar Çimento Madencilik is the user of this plant.
Two high-capacity belt bucket elevators with a centre distance of 133m each are included in the scope of supply. They are used for feeding the preheater tower with raw meal. Owing to the size of this plant, a conveying capacity of 500t/hr is achieved using steel wire belts.
The supply of the comprehensive technology has been completed. Beumer is now installing the plant.
Brazil: The Sempertrans division of the Semperit Group and the Agudio brand of Leitner have started operation of their ‘flyingbelt’ conveying system, a combination of ropeway and conveyor belt, at the LafargeHolcim cement plant in Barroso, Minas Gerais. The conveying belt is suspended on ropes connecting a limestone quarry to the plant. It can convey 1500t/hr of limestone at a height of up to 36m. The 7km belt is the longest of its kind in the world.
"With the Agudio ‘flyingbelt’ we have installed a very innovative bulk materials transportation system. The Sempertrans conveyor belt not only overcomes - at great height - terrain that can only be accessed with difficulty, it also transports material efficiently and in an environmentally-friendly way. More than 40 truck journeys are saved every hour," said Thomas Fahnemann, CEO of Semperit Group.
The order was produced in the Sempertrans plant in France and shipped to Brazil. The electricity consumption of the new conveyor equipment is only around one third of that of conventional ropeway systems and, instead of the previous maximum of 400t/hr, 1500t/hr of limestone can now be transported.
Flexco launches PTEZ Belt Trainer
09 June 2016US: Flexco has added the PTEZ Belt Trainer to its line of belt trainers. Designed with the Flexco ‘Pivot and Tilt’ feature, the new PTEZ Belt Trainer is targeted at
applications that requires tracking to prevent damage to the belt or conveyor structure, including single-direction and reversing belts.
“The PTEZ Belt Trainer is an advanced solution over typical low-cost wobblers or pivot-only trainers,” said Kevin Fales, marketing specialist for Flexco. “With our unique pivot and tilt technology, the PTEZ will pivot away from and increase tension on the mistracked side in order to quickly guide the belt back to the centre.”
The PTEZ belt trainer can be used on vulcanised or mechanically-fastened belts for most medium-duty applications, including wet and dry conditions, belts with edge damage or wear, and belts that are mistracking to one or both sides. The line’s ‘Pivot and Tilt’ feature keeps the belt away from the structure and the material stays on the belt without the use of sensor or edge rollers. The tapered ends on the roller drive the pivot and tilt mechanism, allowing the two forces to quickly move the belt back to the centre. The PTEZ Belt Trainer also features a polyurethane roller cover to prolong its lifespan.
UK: Established UK liquid waste and industrial services tanker specialist, Greens Environmental, has launched a new high vacuum air conveying plant called the iVac.
The iVac is believed to be the only British-made deep vacuum and pressure discharge unit on the market. It was designed to uplift heavy wet and dry industrial materials, including cement, aggregate and powder products and is particularly suitable for product recovery. The iVac has a 16.5m3 capacity tank to maximise payload and can operate with airflow up to 8000cfm (cubic feet per minute) with a vacuum level down in excess of 90%. It also features an automatic filter media cleansing unit to maximise operating time.
Additionally, for the first time, Greens Environmental has made its range of vehicles and equipment available to hire for short, medium and long-term projects, a move made in response to customer demand.
"The iVac is the result of an ambitious year's investment of around Euro280,000 in design and development, culminating in the release of the iVac Series," said Paul Cutter, director of the iVAC project. The tanker will be manufactured in-house, so that the iVAC team can retain full technical control.
"We wanted to make a product that not only met our customers' technical requirement, but made commercial sense to all parties. We have simplified the technical characteristics of the units without compromising on quality or results, which has resulted in much lower manufacturing costs. This cost saving is, quite simply, passed down the line to the client," said Phil Green, director of Greens Environmental.