Displaying items by tag: DG Khan
Pakistan: DG Khan has completed the installation of its new cement grinding plant at Hub in Baluchistan. A new vertical cement grinding mill with a COPE drive has started trial operations together with cement siloes and a packing plant. Commissioning has also taken place of raw material crushing, transportation and storage units. Loesche, who supplied the mills for the project, said in 2017 that a 1050t/hr raw mill was the biggest raw material mill in the world.
Pakistan: Cement producers have proposed finding an alternative water source in a case about the Katas Raj Temples being adjudicated by the Supreme Court. They have also agreed to pay the Punjab government for any water they use until then, according to the Statesman newspaper. The court was investigating allegations that the pond at the Hindu heritage site was drying out due to water consumption by nearby cement plants.
Bestway Cement and DG Khan Cement proposed that they would submit up to US$17m and US$4m respectively as security deposits until they find alternative water sources. They have also proposed building a small dam in the area, the outflow of which will be maintained in a way that the pond at Katas Raj is not adversely affected. Local cement plants of the two companies are currently using water from nearby river and underground sources.
DG Khan sales grow by 8% to US$154m in second half of 2017
21 February 2018Pakistan: DG Khan’s sales grew by 8% to US$154m in the second half of 2017 from US$142m from in the same period of 2016. However, its profit after taxation fell by 21% to US$31m from US$40m.
DG Khan Cement’s annual profit falls by 6.3% to US$74.5m
21 September 2017Pakistan: DG Khan Cement’s profit after taxation has fallen by 6.3% year-on-year to US$74.5m in the financial year that ended on 30 June 2017 from US$79.5m in the same period in 2016. It blamed the decline on its expensive coal inventory, higher power costs and low prices, according to the News International newspaper. Despite this its sales revenue rose slightly to US$308m.
Pakistan: DG Khan Cement’s new plant at Hub in Balochistan will officially start production by December 2017. The 9000t/day plant is scheduled to complete civil engineering work by September 2017 and then start commissioning by the end of the year, according Shajar Capital in a reported covered by the Express Tribune newspaper. The new plant is expected to support infrastructure development near Gwadar and support residential schemes in Balochistan and Sindh.
Loesche reports on DG Khan Cement project at Hub
31 March 2017Pakistan: Loesche has released details on its order to supply three grinding plants for DG Khan Cement for a new 9000t/day clinker production line at Hub in Balochistan. The contract, which was originally signed in September 2015, includes one 654t/hr raw meal, one 445t/hr Ordinary Portland Cement mill with a COPE drive and a 66t/hr coal mill. Loesche says that the raw mill with a nominal capacity of 1050t/hr will be the biggest raw material mill in the world. Loesche is responsible for the full mechanical equipment and together with Loesche Automation for the electrical engineering package along with all hardware supply from steel structure to electrical equipment and automation.
DG Khan Cement to build new plant at Hub
29 November 2016Pakistan: DG Khan Cement plans to build a new 9000t/day cement plant at Hub in Balochistan. It has contracted Izhar Construction to conduct all civil work on the project, according to the Nation newspaper. The plant is being built to benefit from demand generated from infrastructure built via the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
DG Khan Cement to set up new plant at Hub
12 October 2015Pakistan: DG Khan Cement plans to set up a new cement plant at Hub to meet growing demand of cement in the country, particularly in Karachi.
DG Cement Director of Marketing Fareed Fazal said that the new plant produce 10,000t/day of clinker. Fareed said that the company's cement was being exported regularly to Northern Africa and Sri Lanka, among others. In addition, Fazal said that recently France had expressed willingness to import bagged cement from DG Khan Cement and that efforts were afoot to meet the production requirement. The French importers, however, have requested 35kg bags instead of the standard 50kg.
DG Khan releases further details of new Baluchistan cement plant
09 September 2015Pakistan: DG Khan Cement has signed a contract with Germany's Loesche GmbH to supply complete raw, cement and coal grinding mills for its greenfield cement plant in Lasbella, Baluchistan. The cement grinding mills will be provided by a German company, while Denmark's FLSmidth has been contracted for engineering and equipment, according to DG Khan Secretary Khalid Chohan. The new 9,000t/day plant will be completed with a cost of around US$300m within three years. DG Khan has already signed an agreement with K-Electric for the supply of 40MW of electricity.
FLSmidth to supply cement plant to DG Khan Cement
13 July 2015Pakistan: FLSmidth has signed a Euro57m contract with DG Khan Cement to supply engineering and equipment for a 8500t/day greenfield cement plant in Pakistan.
"Pakistan is a very important market for FLSmidth and we are extremely pleased that DG Khan has again chosen FLSmidth as its supplier. This underlines its valuable long-term ties with DG Khan Cement, as well as our strong foothold in Pakistan, where we expect to see more activity following new government development programmes," said president of the cement division, Per Mejnert Kristensen.
The first contract between DG Khan and FLSmidth dates back to 1992. Since then the partnership has resulted in three additional orders to FLSmidth in 1998, 2005 and 2007. The new order will be booked by the cement division and will contribute beneficially to FLSmidth's earnings until 2017.