Displaying items by tag: Import
ENCI Maastricht plant closure to make 50 jobless
10 December 2019Netherlands: Germany’s HeidelbergCement’s subsidiary Eerste Nederland Cement Industrie (ENCI) announced on 9 December 2019 the upcoming closure of its former 1.8Mt/yr integrated Maastricht plant in 2020. Het Belang van Limburg has reported that the Maastricht plant, which stepped down to grinding-only in March 2019 after 91 years’ kiln operation, received an insufficient supply of clinker from ENCI’s sister company CBR Cement’s 1.5Mt/yr Lixhe plant in Wallonia, Belgium to guarantee profitable production.
Clinker grinding continues at ENCI’s 1.4Mt/yr IJmuiden and 0.6Mt/yr Rotterdam grinding plants, each of which has better access to clinker imports due to their proximity to deepwater ports.
UAE: Figures from Iran’s Qeshm Free Trade Zone show a deficiency in domestic cement production in the UAE, as 48,000t of cement have been shipped to the country in the six months ending 21 September 2019. Cement from across the Gulf helps serve the consistently growing needs of the country’s construction industry.
New Panamanian regulations to enter force on 3 December 2019
02 December 2019Panama: New technical regulations for cement composition and behavioural characteristics will enter force on 3 December 2019. All packaging must display the contents’ net weight, country of origin, cement type and production date. La Estrella has reported that the legislation gives enforcing power to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s Directorate General of Industrial Technology Standards (DGNTI), the Consumer Protection and Competition Defence Authority (ACODECO) and customs authorities.
JSW eyes 25Mt/yr capacity expansion by 2023
28 November 2019India: JSW Cement has revised its planned expansion to its 14Mt/yr total installed capacity to 39Mt/yr before 1 January 2023, an increase of 5Mt/yr compared to its initial target of 34Mt/yr by 2020. The figure includes JSW’s 54% subsidiary Shiva Cement’s new 1Mt/yr integrated and 1Mt/yr grinding plant, valued at a total of US$112m. Parth Jindal, JSW Cement managing director, said that the figure had been revised upward because Shiva Cement had become self-sufficient in clinker production, freeing the group’s east Indian cement production from ‘volatile import costs.’
Economic Times has reported that Shiva Cement is set to bring its limestone reserves to 100Mt with the acquisition of the Khatkurbahal mine. The company sources its granulated blast furnace slag from the Odisha steel industry. Production of JSW Cement’s flagship product, JSW Portland Slag Cement (PSC), releases CO2 at a rate of 325kg/Mt compared to between 760kg/Mt and 800kg/Mt for typical Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).
Paraguay imports 72,000t/yr of cement in first week of derestriction
28 November 2019Paraguay: Cement has been entering Paraguay at a rate of 6000t per month, up by 400% from 1000t per month upon the removal of restrictions on 19 November 2019, as importers move to fill the supply gap created by falling domestic production. ABC has reported that the construction sector requires 0.1m bag/day of cement, of which the state-owned Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) is currently providing 20,000 and Intercement 30,000. ABC has named neighbouring Argentina as a source of Paraguay’s incoming cement.
Cemex changes its US profile
27 November 2019Cemex pushed ahead yesterday and announced that it had sold the Kosmos Cement Company to Eagle Materials for around US$665m. It owns a 75% stake in the company, with Italy’s Buzzi Unicem owning the remaining share, giving it roughly US$449m once the deal completes. Proceeds from the sale will go towards debt reduction and general corporate purposes. The sale inventory includes a 1.7Mt/yr integrated cement plant in Louisville, Kentucky as well as seven distribution terminals and raw material reserves.
The decision to sell assets makes sense given Cemex’s financial results so far in 2019. It reported falling sales, cement volumes and earnings in the first nine months of the year although much of this was down to poor market conditions in Mexico. However, the US, along with Europe, was one of its stronger territories with rising sales. Earnings were impaired in the US, possibly due to bad weather in the southeast and competition in Florida, but infrastructure and residential development were reported to be promising.
Graph 1: Portland & Blended Cement shipments in 2018 and 2019. Source: United States Geological Survey (USGS).
Graph 2: Change in imports of hydraulic cement & clinker to the US in 2018 and 2019 from selected countries. Source: USGS.
United States Geological Survey (USGS) data also supports a picture of a growing US market. Shipments of Ordinary Portland Cement and blended cements grew by 2.4% year-on-year to 66.9Mt for the first eight months of 2019 from 65.4Mt in the same period in 2018. By region growth can be seen in the North-East, South and imports. Declines were reported in the West and Midwest. The states of Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee – the area where the Kosmos plant is located – saw shipments grow by 4% to 4.77Mt from 4.58Mt. It is worth noting that Louisville is in the north of Kentucky near the border with Indiana, where shipments also grew.
The Portland Cement Association’s (PCA) fall forecast may also have helped Cemex’s decision. Ed Sullivan, PCA Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, said that he expected cement consumption in the US to continue growing in 2019 and 2020 but with a slowing trend into 2021 following general gross domestic product (GDP) predictions. The PCA’s view is that pent-up demand following the recession in 2008 was gone and the economy was gradually weakening. Crucially though it didn’t think a recession was impending. In this scenario Cemex might be taking a medium-term view with regards to the Kosmos Cement Company.
Another more general interesting data point from the USGS was the change in import origins to the US. Imports grew by 11.3% to 66.9Mt in January to August 2019. The top five importing countries and their overall share remained the same but there was some movement between them. Turkish and Mexican imports surged at the expensive of Chinese ones as can be seen in Graph 2. The go-to explanation for this would be the on-going US - China trade war. Cemex is a Mexican company with a strong presence in both the US and Mexico. This change in the make-up of the import market in the US may also have informed its decision to sell Kosmos Cement as it looked at the macro scale.
More generally the US market is looking buoyant in the short to medium term. Plants are being sold like Kosmos Cement to Eagle Cement and the Keystone cement plant in Bath, Pennsylvania to HeidelbergCement and a major upgrade project is underway on the new production line at the Mitchell plant in Indiana. In Cemex’s case, as ever with asset sales, the seller sometimes has to make the hard decision of whether to divest a plant in a growing region to help the business in other places that might not be doing so well. The growth of America’s largest locally owned producer, Eagle Cement, may also give cheer to the US’ current ‘America First’ administration.
PPC sales hits by falling volumes in South Africa and Zimbabwe
20 November 2019South Africa: PPC’s sales have fallen due to poor sales volumes in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Its results were also negatively affected by ‘significant’ currency exchange effects between the South African Rand and the Zimbabwean Dollar. Its revenue decreased by 12% year-on-year to US$334m in the six months to 30 September 2019 from US$378m in the same period in 2018. Sales volumes fell by 17% to 2.6Mt. Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) dropped by 20% to US$58.6m from US$70.2m.
“The positive operational results in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have partially offset difficult and competitive market conditions in South Africa and Zimbabwe,” said chief executive officer (CEO) Roland Van Wijnen. “PPC has continued its efforts to implement necessary price increases to lay the basis for a sustainable domestic cement industry in South Africa.” In South Africa PPC blamed imports and blender activity for exacerbating a poor local market. It also noted that its fuel costs grew by 30% in the reporting period.
Paraguay opens up cement imports due to shortage
20 November 2019Paraguay: The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) has lifted restrictions on cement imports following problems with local production. The local market needs around 100,000 bags/day of cement and state-owned Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) normally provides around half of this, according to the ABC Color newspaper. However, production problems at INC’s plants have seen significant drops in supply.
Paraguay: Paraguay’s main cement producer, state-owned Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC), has ‘significantly’ slowed production at its 1.0Mt/yr integrated Puerto Vallemi plant to a rate of 12,000 bags/day, creating a supply gap that imports and Intercement’s 0.4Mt/yr integrated Asunción plant have been unable to fill. Esmerk Latin American News has reported that the shortage has precipitated a 33% price rise in the cost of a bag of cement in the country to US$10.20 from US$7.00 when the shortage began in October 2019.
Anchorage Port Commission seeks petrol tariff increase to support cement terminal repairs
24 October 2019US: The restoration of Anchorage Petroleum Cement Terminal in Alaska to fully functioning docking capabilities for oil well cement offloading operations after its ruin in an earthquake of 30 November 2018 will cost US$81m. At a special meeting on 23 October 2019, the port Commission voted to petition the Anchorage Assembly for a progressive tariff increase on all petroleum imports over 10 years to US$399/t from US$116/t.
The works are scheduled for completion by January 2021, with the possibility of a reduction in the rate of tariff increase subject to grants received from the state.