US: CalPortland has launched a new fleet of 24 compressed natural gas (CNG)-fuelled bulk hauler trucks. The company has also commissioned a CNG fuelling hub at its Oro Grande cement plant in California. Ozinga Energy installed the hub, which uses biogenic Redeem methane from organic and agricultural waste at its fast-fill station and 24 slow-fill stations. The producer says that Redeem will reduce CO2 emissions per tonne of fuel burned by at least 70%. It predicted a total greenhouse gas emissions reduction of 10,000t/yr.
President and chief executive officer (CEO) Allen Hamblen said, “By adding 24 cement bulk hauler trucks and a fuelling centre at our Oro Grande cement plant, CalPortland continues to demonstrate our on-going commitment to achieving zero emissions through environmental stewardship and lowering our carbon footprint within the communities where we operate.”