Hungary: Lafarge Hungary, part of LafargeHolcim, has awarded a contract to Germany-based Loesche subsidiary A TEC for the supply of an alternative fuel (AF) flash dryer for the 1.0Mt/yr kiln line at its Királyegyháza cement plant in Baranya county. The supplier says that the dryer will use residual hot gas from the chlorine bypass system in conjunction with a satellite burner for firing the material in the kiln. The project also includes the installation of a new AF receiving, handling, and dosing system for a second AF flow firing directly into the kiln burner. A TEC says that it will commission the project in the second quarter of 2021 after the end of the plant’s 2020/2021 winter shutdown.
A TEC wins alternative fuels flash dryer contract at Lafarge Hungary’s Királyegyháza cement plant
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