Switzerland: Vigier Ciment is operating a self-charging electric dump truck at its limestone and marl quarry in Biel. The 45t truck’s regenerative braking system recharges its 600kwh lithium battery on the downhill trip from the quarry to the primary crusher. Its 65t capacity more than doubles its weight when laden, easily enabling it to recover charge for the return trip. Each trip generates an estimated 10kwh of surplus energy. In ordinary use, this would equate to 77Mwh/yr. It saves 50,000 – 100,000l/yr of diesel and eliminates an estimated 196t/yr of CO2. Green Car Reports has reported that Kuhn Schweiz built the dump truck, based on Japan-based Komatsu’s HB model truck. It is the world’s largest electric vehicle.

Vigier Ciment operates self-charging electric dump truck at Biel quarry
Written by Global Cement staff
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