Mexico: GCC has secured validation by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) for its latest CO2 reduction goals. The group has committed to reducing its Scope 1 emissions per tonne of cementitious product by 31% and its Scope 2 emissions per tonne of cementitious product by 57% between 2015 and 2030. It has also committed to a 37.5% absolute reduction in its products’ Scope 3 emissions over the same period. The goals will serve as sustainability performance targets for GCC’s US$500m sustainability-linked bond, which it issued in January 2022.
GCC's vice president of sustainability and environment Gina Lotito said "We are proud and excited to be a catalyst of progress towards a low-carbon future. Our laser-focus on our climate change strategy and emphasis on reducing CO2 emissions is a testament to our commitment to creating a sustainable future. While we celebrate our achievements, we acknowledge that there is still much work to be done and remain steadfast in our mission."