Russia: Cement consumption in Russia has increased for 13 consecutive months, according to Darya Martynkina, executive director of the Soyuzcement union of cement producers. This figure increased by 8% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter of 2023, from 10.4Mt of cement to 11.2Mt.
Martynkina said "Development of infrastructure in Russia still does not correspond to long-term economic tasks and society needs. For example, the level of road network coverage in our country and the level of transport mobility are insufficient; high-speed motorways are close to none."
She highlighted extensive projects that will require ‘significant’ amounts of cement, including the North Siberian railway, the upgrade of 75 airports by 2030, improvements to seaports and expansions of the Eastern Range railway and the M-12 highway extending to Vladivostok.