Italy: Paolo Zugaro has been appointed as the General Manager of Cementir Holding. He has also become the group’s chief operating officer with effect from 1 May 2017. Zugaro, aged 52 years, holds a degree in electrical engineering from Tor Vergata University, Rome. He has worked in a variety of managerial roles for both Caltagirone Group and Cementir Group since 1997. Notably he has been the head of the Nordic & Baltic Region of Cementir Group, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Aalborg Portland and CEO of Unicon. In his recent posting as the head of the East Mediterranean Region, he was the CEO of Cimentas in Turkey, Vice President of Sinai White Portland Cement in Egypt and the CEO of Recydia, a company which operates in the waste and recycling management business in Turkey and the UK.

Paolo Zugaro appointed General Manager of Cementir Holding
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