Austria: w&p Zement has announced that it has donated an ABB robotic arm from a laboratory at its 0.8Mt/yr Weitersdorf plant to the mechatronics department of Klagenfurt Higher Technical College (HTL). The company replaced the 10kg-capacity, 1.55m armature with a fully automated POLAB cement laboratory as part of an upgrade for Industry 4.0. w&p Zement Weitersdorf operations manager Florian Salzer said, “We are pleased that the robot will continue to be of use, increasing the quality of technical training and thus laying the foundation for training tomorrow's top specialists.” He said that the equipment is in perfect condition because of the low weight of samples for which it was used.

w&p Zement donates ABB bot to Klagenfurt Higher Technical College
Written by Global Cement staff
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