US: ZAG has reached a US$506,250 settlement with the US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) over breaches on trade sanctions with Iran. Between mid-2014 and early 2015 OFAC says that ZAG purchased 263,563t of Iranian produced clinker via a company based in the UAE. The government body added that ZAG knew that the clinker came from Iran although it was assured at the time by the supplier that it was not subject to US sanctions. The clinker was then sold to a company in Tanzania. However, OFAC said that since ZAG voluntarily disclosed its violation of sanctions to the office it viewed the case as a so-called a ‘non-egregious case‘ and the resulting fine was far below the maximum.
ZAG settles with US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control over Iranian clinker
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