Displaying items by tag: FLSmidth
Brazil: Secil Supremo Cimentos has appointed FLSmidth to carry out a pyro process upgrade at its Adrianópolis cement plant in Paraná. The Denmark-based supplier says that it plans to carry out modifications on the plant's preheater, cooler and related auxiliary equipment. It says the new equipment will expand the plant's capacity to 3900t/day, corresponding to an annual production capacity of 1.42Mt/yr. It will also enable it to increase its alternative fuel (AF) substitution rate to 40%. Secil Supremo Cimentos' AF mix consists of shredded tyres, wood and other refuse-derived fuels.
FLSmidth's head of capital sales, Jens Jonas Skov Larsen, said “We are grateful for our continued partnership with Supremo, which has consistently invested in the latest technology. As the plant was already operating an ILC five-stage preheater from FLSmidth, it was well positioned to use AF.”
FLSmidth increases cement business sales and earnings in 2022
27 February 2023Denmark: FLSmidth's cement business recorded 29% year-on-year sales growth to US$2.14bn in 2022, from US$1.66bn in 2021. The business' earnings before interest, taxation and amortisation (EBITA) totaled US$28.9m, compared to negative earnings of US$2.7m in 2021. During the year, its Americas region contributed 34% of sales, its Europe, North Africa and Russia region (subsequently Europe and North Africa) 26%, its Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and South Asia region 25% and its Asia-Pacific region 15%. Overall, FLSmidth's sales rose by 24%, while its EBITA fell by 8%, year-on-year.
The supplier said "Overall, our cement service showed strong performance throughout the year. In some countries, we did however start to see the first cases of budget constraints imposed to counter the increasing energy costs."
Looking forward to 2023's anticipated result, it noted a 'healthy' order pipeline, but an anticipated slow-down in producers' decision making. This is due to concerns related to energy volatility continuing the wake of the outbreak of war in Ukraine. FLSmidth concluded "The short-term outlook for the cement industry remains impacted by overcapacity, and the potential recession is expected to impact market demand negatively over the coming period."
Update on calcined clays in Europe, February 2023
15 February 2023Congratulations to Lafarge France for launching the first calcined clay cement unit in Europe. The subsidiary of Holcim says that the unit, based at the integrated Saint-Pierre-la-Cour cement plant, is the first of its kind on the continent. It is using the company’s proprietary proximA Tech technology and will produce up to 500,000t/yr of cement in its ECOPlanet range. The operation is also powered with biomass alternative fuels and uses a waste recovery system to further drive down overall CO2 emissions. Once production ramps-up the producer expects that 30% of cement from the Saint-Pierre-la-Cour plant will be from the ECOPlanet range by 2024.
The investment at Saint-Pierre-la-Cour was Euro40m. Holcim is also producing calcined clay cement at its La Malle plant in France. It received an investment of Euro6m in 2022 to produce low-carbon cements. Together, both plants are aiming to produce over 2Mt/yr of calcined clay cement by 2024. As is usual for these kinds of projects, the French government partly funded the clay calcination unit at Saint-Pierre-la-Cour as part of the ‘France Relance’ scheme investing in large-scale decarbonisation and energy efficiency initiatives.
Calcined clay cements in Europe aren’t exactly new, but Holcim’s new unit in France does appear to be the first full-scale line located at a cement plant. Research by OneStone Consulting, for example, reckons that the first flash activated clay unit expressly set up to supply the cement sector was commissioned in 1995 in Toulouse, France. More recently, Hoffmann Green Cement inaugurated its 50,000t/yr pilot plant at Bournezeau in France in 2018. This site produces cements made from flash calcined clay and blast furnace slag, although it is unclear how demand for the different products varies. A new 0.25Mt/yr plant in the Vendée department was scheduled for commissioning in the second half of 2022. Another 0.25Mt/yr plant in Dunkirk is expected to be commissioned in the second half of 2024.
Cementir Group launched its calcined clay cement product FUTURECEM in Denmark in 2021 with production via a pilot plant. It then extended this to the Benelux and French cement markets in 2022. As part of its industrial plan for 2021 - 2023 it was planning to build a clay calcination unit to support the growth of FutureCem. FLSmidth revealed in June 2021 that it had won a contract to build a 400t/day clay calcination unit for Vicat’s Xeuilley integrated cement plant. The deal was worth around Euro27m and commissioning is scheduled for 2023.
Firstly, it is interesting to see a focus on France for some of the projects above. The presence of Lafarge’s technical centre in Lyon may explain the interest for that company. However, Hoffmann Green Cement and Vicat are also active in the field. It is worth noting that France also holds a busy secondary cementitious material market with standalone operators including Ecocem, Cem’In’Eu and Hoffmann Green Cement. Secondly, despite the early start, clay calcination for cement is currently more active outside of Europe. In Africa, for example, there is at least one live full production line and a number of other projects on the way. Various other pilots and projects are also happening elsewhere around the world, often in conjunction with the limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) initiative. Where calcined clay cement production in Europe goes from here is uncertain at present as it is one solution among many for lower carbon cement products in the future. Yet, the projects that have made it so far to the commercial scale will be watched closely by the companies that have invested in them - and their competitors.
Altor Fund Manager increases FLSmidth stake to over 5%
19 January 2023Denmark: FLSmidth has notified investors that Altor Fund Manager has increased its holding of shares in the company to over 5%. The transaction took place on 18 January 2023.
FLSmidth introduces new strategies for cement and mining sectors
18 January 2023Denmark: Equipment manufacturer FLSmidth has launched new corporate strategies for its cement and mining sectors. The so-called ‘pure play’ plans are intended to further focus on technology, products and services and sustainability. The group says it is also simplifying its operating model to reduce risks, improve efficiencies, ensure stronger execution and improve profitability and quality of earnings. The announcement was made at the same time as the group’s latest investor event.
Mikko Keto, the chief executive officer at FLSmidth, said “We must prioritise our efforts on our core business, reduce risk and execute with excellence. We have already started to fundamentally transform our business to ensure stronger strategy execution and to achieve our long-term ambitions to the benefit of our stakeholders.”
In the cement sector the group’s ‘Green 26’ plan aims to make the company the preferred service supplier for the industry. It added that it has a “clear commitment to drive the green transition in the cement industry.” It has set a target of reaching an 8% earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) margin by 2026. For the mining sector the target is a 13 - 15% margin.
In provisional financial results for 2022, FLSmidth revealed that it had an EBITDA margin of 3.3% for cement and 7.6% for mining. Group revenue rose by 24% year-on-year to Euro2.93bn in 2022 from Euro2.37bn in the 2021. Revenue from the cement and mining sectors grew by 7% to Euro847m and 29% to Euro2.03bn respectively. The group said that the short-term outlook for the cement industry remained impacted by overcapacity and that a potential recession is expected to impact market demand negatively over the coming period. Its mining sector revenue was inflated by the acquisition of ThyssenKrupp Mining in 2022.
Carsten Riisberg Lund appointed as chair of Hasle Refractories
11 January 2023Demark: Hasle Refractories has appointed Carsten Riisberg Lund as chair of its board of directors.
Riisberg Lund has worked in the cement industry for 35 years mostly for equipment supplier FLSmidth. His most recent role was as FLSmidth’s Cement Industry President since late 2020. Before this he worked as the President for Region Europe, North Africa and Russia (ENAR). He started his career as a Process and Commissioning Engineer for FLSmidth. Since then he led FLSmidth’s former Material Handling division and spent three years as managing director in India.
NovaCim cement plant in Morocco produces first cement
27 December 2022Morocco: NovaCim’s new 1.4Mt/yr cement plant at Ouled Ghanem near El Jadida has produced its first cement. Denmark-based FLSmidth supplied equipment for the unit including an OK type vertical roller mill, which it says is the first such installation of the product in the country. FLSmidth said in 2019 that it was going to build the plant for TEKCIM in conjunction with the Société Générale des Travaux du Maroc (SGTM). Full commissioning is scheduled for 2023.
Morocco: NovaCim has ordered the SLV Cement logistics software product from Portugal-based Cachapuz for its forthcoming 1.2Mt/yr integrated cement plant in Ouled Ghanem in El-Jadida Province. The product is intended to improve and optimise dispatch processes. Denmark-based FLSmidth announced in 2019 that it was going to build the plant for TEKCIM in conjunction with the Société Générale des Travaux du Maroc (SGTM). The plant is expected to start production in 2023.
Energy for the European cement sector, November 2022
30 November 2022This week’s Virtual Global CemPower Seminar included an assessment on how interventions in European power markets might affect efforts to decarbonise industry. The presentation by Thekla von Bülow of Aurora Energy Research outlined how different countries in the European Union (EU) were implementing the forthcoming electricity price cap on ‘inframarginal’ producers to 180Euro/MWh. Each of these different proposals will entail differing levels of structural change to the wholesale energy market. For example, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has recommended establishing a series of frameworks including a stronger focus on Contracts for Difference (CfD) schemes to promote renewable energy sources.
These changes are a consequence of the EU’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Gas prices surged and then pushed up other energy prices in turn to record levels. As this column covered in September 2022, the price of electricity shot up in the summer of 2022 whilst at the same time Russian gas imports ceased. Cembureau, the European Cement Association, called for urgent action to be taken to support cement production due to large increases in the cost of electricity. For example, in its latest overview of the German cement industry, the German Cement Works Association (VDZ) said that the sector has an electrical consumption of 30TWh/yr. Clearly energy policy is of great interest to the industry.
Since then, in late September 2022, Heidelberg Materials’ chief executive officer Dominik von Achten told Reuters that his company was preparing to shift production at its Germany-based plants to times and days when power prices are lower including at the weekend. However, this was dependent on negotiations with the unions. Von Achten also warned of plant closures being a possibility. Then, in November 2022, it emerged that Zementwerk Lübeck’s grinding plant in northern Germany had reportedly been only operating its grinding plant at night and at the weekend due to high electricity prices. Also in November 2022 European energy news provider Energate Messenger reported that Heidelberg Materials was preparing its cement plants in Germany with emergency backup power to keep critical services running in the case of electricity power cuts. One view from the outside came from equipment supplier FLSmidth’s third quarter results where it noted it had, “...started to see the first cases of budget constraints imposed by customers to counter the increasing energy cost. A high utilisation is still driving service activity in Europe, but some customers have put large capital investments on stand-by and we have experienced a slowdown in decision-making processes.” On the other hand it also pointed out that this trend is driving sales of products that helped reduce energy usage and/or switch to alternative fuels.
On the financial side, Holcim reiterated in its half-year report that, on the country, level the group uses a mixture of fixed price contracts, long-term power purchase agreements, on-site power generation projects and increased consumption of renewable energy at competitive prices to reduce the volatility from its energy bills. Both Cemex and Heidelberg Materials said similar things in their third quarter results conference calls. Cemex said that nearly 70% of its electricity requirements in Europe were fixed in 2022 with nearly 30% fixed for 2023. It went on to reveal that around 20% of its total costs for cement production in Europe derived from its electricity bill. Interestingly, it added that a higher proportion of its electricity costs in Germany were fixed than elsewhere in Europe, due to the use of a waste-to-electricity system owned by a third party that is fed with refuse-derived fuel (RDF), but that it was more exposed to floating fuel rates in Spain. Heidelberg Materials added that it supported energy price caps in both Germany and the EU whether they affected it directly or not.
So far it has been a mild start to winter in Europe. This may be about to change with colder weather forecast for December 2022. This will stress test the EU’s energy saving preparations and in turn it could force the plans of industrial users, such as the cement sector, to change. Some of the cement producers have commented on the financial implications of rising fuel costs but they have been quieter publicly about how they might react if domestic consumers are prioritised. Plant shutdowns throughout cold snaps are the obvious concern but it is unclear how likely this is yet. The variety of energy policies between fellow member states, their own supply situations and the differences between cement plants even in the same country suggest considerable variation in what might happen. If large numbers of cement plants do end shutting throughout any colder periods, then one observation is that it will look similar to winter peak shifting (i.e. closure) of plants in China. The more immediate worry in this scenario though is whether these plants actually reopen again.
The proceedings pack from the Virtual Global CemPower Seminar is available to buy now
Update on COP27
09 November 2022Readers may have noticed the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) is currently taking place at Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt. Many of the cement companies, suppliers and related associations are present at the annual jamboree and getting stuck in. For example, Holcim’s chief sustainability officer Magali Anderson was scheduled on 8 November 2022 to discuss solutions to decarbonise the built environment at the event’s Building Pavilion, Cemex’s chief executive officer Fernando A González took part in the First Movers Coalition (FMC) panel, FLSmidth is down for a number of talks and both the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) and World Cement Association are busy too.
Stone cold progress, if any, from the conference is yet to emerge although there is still time given that the event runs until 18 November 2022. No doubt some sort of ‘big message’ style international commitment or plan will emerge from the haggling. However, on the cement sector side, the biggest story so far has been the FMC plan for some of its members to procure at least 10% near-zero cement and concrete for its projects by 2030. Both Holcim and Cemex were founding members of the collation of companies that intend to use their purchasing power to support sustainable technologies in hard to abate sectors. Commitments for the aviation, shipping, steel and trucking sectors were set at COP26 in Glasgow, aluminium and CO2 removal followed in May 2022 and chemicals and concrete were scheduled for November 2022. The latter has started to happen with the formation of the FMC’s cement and concrete group. Companies involved include ETEX, General Motors, Ørsted, RMZ Corporation and Vattenfall. Of these, Sweden-based energy producer Vattenfall has publicly said it is going for the 10% near-zero cement and concrete target by 2030.
Company | 2021 | 2030 Target | Notes |
Cemex | 591 | 480 | ESTIMATE, 40% less CO2/t of cementitious material compared to 1990 |
China Resources Cement | 847 | UNKNOWN | Emission intensity is for clinker |
CRH | 586 | UNKNOWN | 25% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 2030 (on a 2020 baseline) |
Heidelberg Materials | 565 | 500 | |
Holcim | 553 | 475 | |
UltraTech Cement | 582 | 483 | ESTIMATE, Reduction in CO2 emission intensity by 27% from FY2017 level by FY2032 |
Votorantim | 597 | 520 |
Table 1: Net CO2 emission intensity (kgCO2/t) for cement production at selected large cement producers.
While we wait for more announcements to escape from Sharm El Sheikh it might be worth reflecting upon one of the targets some of the cement companies have set themselves for 2030. Table 1 above compares the net CO2 emission intensity for cement production at some of the large cement producers. It doesn’t tell us much, other than that the CO2 emission intensity for these companies was in the region of 550 - 600kgCO2/t of cementitious material in 2021. This compares to 580kgCO2/t in 2020 for the GCCA’s Getting the Numbers Right (GNR) data for the companies it covers. The companies featured in Table 1 are all aiming – or appear to be aiming – for 475 - 525kgCO2/t by 2030. This may not sound like much but it has and will require hard work, innovation, investment and risk on the part of the cement producers. This is also before carbon capture, utilisation and/or storage (CCUS) units will have been built at most cement plants. Yes, until the CO2 emission intensity goes to down to zero, if cement production volumes keep rising sufficiently then total gross CO2 emissions from the cement industry will also increase. Yet, gross CO2 emissions from cement production are likely to peak sometime between now and 2030 if they haven’t already.
One sobering fact to end with is that 1990 is now further in the past than 2050 is in the future. If you can remember George Bush Sr as US president or you saw the film Goodfellas at the cinema then that’s the amount of time we have left to reach net zero. The global economic shocks of the post-coronavirus period and the war in Ukraine are stressing the world’s climate targets more than ever before. Let’s see how COP27 reacts to this. So far though, serious commitments to using low-carbon cement and concrete from big companies are a useful step to entrenching these products in the market.