Displaying items by tag: UAE
Ali Saad appointed as CEO of Lafarge UAE
05 February 2025UAE: Lafarge UAE has appointed Ali Saad as its CEO.
Saad previously worked as the General Manager - UAE from 2023. He started his career working for Lafarge Canada. Financial management roles followed with Unisource Canada and Cemena in Bahrain before he joined Holcim group in 2010. He worked as the chief financial officer in Iraq and then held general management positions in Iraq, Jordan and the UAE. Saad is a graduate in finance and strategic management from McGill University in Canada. He also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
House building campaign expected to boost cement demand in Indonesia
04 February 2025Indonesia: A government scheme to build three millions houses per year is expected to boost demand for cement. Special envoy for climate change and energy, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, said that the country had secured financing from Qatar to construct four to six million housing units, according to Antara. An agreement has been secured with the UAE to build one million houses. Hashim also mentioned that countries including China, Türkiye, India and Singapore had expressed interest in investing. The government’s housing budget plan for 2025 is currently valued at around US$310m.
Cement plant in Fujairah faces technical issues
06 January 2025UAE: A cement plant in Fujairah has halted operations after a malfunction caused thick smoke to rise from the chimney, according to local news reports. The Fujairah Environment Authority conducted an inspection to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and laws. The plant consequently initiated an immediate shutdown and submitted a plan to repair the malfunction and prevent future issues.
Raysut Cement notes excess supply in Oman
02 December 2024Oman: Raysut Cement says that production overcapacity in neighbouring countries has led to excess supply in the local market. This in turn has placed “pressure” on cement prices. The company added that exports to the Maldives, Yemen and east Africa had also slowed due to regional political instability, negative currency exchange effects and higher competition. The cement producer’s revenue fell slightly year-on-year from US$128m in the first nine months of 2023 to US$127m in the same period in 2024. However, its net loss grew from US$8.71m to US$14.6m.
New developments in alternative cement
16 October 2024One unusual thing about coverage of cement in the media is the way that discussions often centre precisely on its absence – that is, on alternatives to cement. These alternatives boast unique chemistries and performance characteristics, but are all produced without Portland cement clinker. They are generally called ‘alternative cements,’ perhaps because ‘cement-free cement’ does not have such a commercially viable ring to it. This contradictory tendency reached a new high in the past week, with developments in alternative cement across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. Together, they hint at a more diverse future for the ‘cement’ industry than the one we know today.
In Indonesia, Suvo Strategic Minerals has concluded tests with Makassar State University of a novel nickel-slag-based cement. Huadi Nickel-Alloy Indonesia supplied raw materials, and tests showed a seven-day compressive strength of 37.5MPa. Suvo Strategic Minerals says that a partnership with Huadi Nickel-Alloy Indonesia for commercial production is a likely next step.
Cement producer Mannok and minerals company Boliden partnered with the South Eastern Applied Materials (SEAM) research centre in Ireland to launch a project to develop supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) from shale on 7 October 2024. The project will additionally investigate CO2-curing of cement paste backfill for use in mines. Irish state-owned global commerce agency Enterprise Ireland has contributed €700,000 in funding.
UK-based SCM developer Karbonite expects to launch trial production of its olivine-based SCM with a concrete company in 2025. The start-up launched Karbonite Group Holding BV, with offices in the Netherlands, to facilitate this new phase. Karbonite’s SCM is activated at 750 – 850°C and sequesters CO2 in the activation process, resulting in over 56% lower CO2 emissions than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Managing director Rajeev Sood told Global Cement that talks are already underway for subsequent expansions into the UAE and India.
Back in the UK, contractor John Sisk & Son has received €597,000 from national innovation agency Innovate UK. John Sisk & Son is testing fellow Ireland-based company Ecocem’s <25% clinker cement technology in concrete for use in its on-going construction of the Wembley Park mixed development in London.
At the same time, Innovate UK granted a further €3.23m to other companies for concrete decarbonisation. Recipients included a calcined clay being developed by Cemcor, an SCM being developed from electric arc furnace byproducts by Cocoon, a geopolymer cement technology being developed by EFC Green Concrete Technology UK and an initiative to develop alternative cement from recycled concrete fines at the Materials Processing Institute in Middlesbrough. Also included was the Skanska Costain Strabag joint venture, which is working on the London stretch of the upcoming HS2 railway. The joint venture, along with partners including cement producer Tarmac and construction chemicals company Sika UK, will test low-kaolinite London clay as a raw material with which to produce calcined clay as a cement substitute in concrete structures in HS2’s rail tunnels.
Middle East
Talks are underway between UK-based calcined clay producer Next Generation SCM and City Cement subsidiary Nizak Mining Company over the possible launch of a joint venture in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The joint venture would build a 350,000t/yr reduced-CO2 concrete plant, which would use alternative cement based on Next Generation SCM’s calcined clay.
North America
Texas-based SCM developer Solidia Technologies recently patented its carbonatable calcium silicate-based alternative cement, which sequesters CO2 as it cures.
Meanwhile, C-Crete Technologies made its first commercial pour of its granite-based cement-free concrete in New York, US. C-Crete Technologies says that the product offers cost and performance parity with conventional cement, with net zero CO2 emissions. Its raw material is globally more abundant than the limestone used as a raw material for clinker. Other abundantly available feedstocks successfully deployed within C-Crete Technologies’ repertoire include basalt and zeolite.
Across New York State, in Binghamton, KLAW Industries has succeeded in replacing 20% of concrete’s cement content with its powdered glass-based SCM, Pantheon. KLAW Industries has delivered samples to local municipalities and the New York State Department of Transportation. Its success expands the discussion of possible circular cement ingredients from the industrial sphere into post-consumer resources.
In Calgary, Canada, a novel SCM has drawn attention from one of the major cement incumbents: Germany-based Heidelberg Materials. It invested in local construction and demolition materials (CDM)-based SCM developer EnviCore on 9 October 2024. The companies plan to build a pilot plant at an existing Heidelberg Materials CDM recycling centre.
Alternative cement developers are still finding the words to talk about their products. They may be more than ‘supplementary’ up to the point of entirely supplanting 100% of clinker. Product webpages offer ‘hydraulic binder,’ ‘pozzolan’ and even ‘cement.’ As alternative ‘cements’ are developed, they build on the work of pioneers like Joseph Aspdin and Louis Vicat. Start-ups and their backers are now reaching commercial offerings, on a similar-but-different footing to cement itself. None of these novel materials positions itself as the sole, last-minute ‘super sub’ in the construction sector’s confrontation with climate change. Rather, they are a package of solutions which can combine into a net zero-emissions heavy building materials offering, hopefully before 2050.
Related to this is the need for ‘technology neutral’ standards, as championed this week by the Alliance for Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete (ALCCC), along with 23 other European industry associations, civil society organisations and think tanks. The term may sound new, but the concept is critical to the eventual uptake of alternative cements: standards, the ALCCC says, should be purely performance-based. They ought not attempt to define what technology, for example cement clinker, makes a suitable building material. According to the ALCCC, Europe’s building materials standards are not technology neutral, but instead ‘gatekeep’ market access, to the benefit of conventional cement and the exclusion of ‘proven and scalable low-carbon products.’
At the same time, cement itself is changing. Market research from USD Analytics showed an anticipated 5% composite annual growth rate in blended cement sales between 2024 and 2032, more than doubling throughout the period from US$253bn to US$369bn. If you can’t beat it, blend with it!
UAE: Sharjah Cement and Industrial Development raised its sales by 12% year-on-year to US$92m, Reuters has reported. The producer recorded a profit of US$2.61m, compared with a loss of US$1.58m in the first half of 2023.
RAK White Cement grows profit in first half of 2024
14 August 2024UAE: RAK White Cement’s revenues declined by 3% year-on-year to US$34.1m in the first half of 2024. Nonetheless, the company more than tripled its net profit, to US$5.3m.
Saint-Gobain looks set to increase its presence in the construction chemicals market this week when it announced a deal to buy Fosroc. A definitive agreement has been set for the acquisition valued at just over US$1bn. The purchase will be financed in cash and is expected to close in the first half of 2025.
The light construction materials company has been growing its construction chemicals capabilities for several years now. In 2021 it acquired Chryso for Euro1.02bn and then it bought GCP Applied Technologies for Euro2.3bn in 2022. Acquisitions of smaller companies in the sector, including Duraziv and IMPAC, also took place. With regards to the proposed Fosroc transaction, Saint-Gobain highlighted in its press release that the deal was “supported by solid macroeconomic factors including the transition towards low-carbon concrete.” It also noted that Fosroc’s geographic profile would strengthen its own presence in emerging markets such as India and the Middle East. Chryso’s market share is mainly in Europe, Turkey and Africa. GCP’s is in North America, Latin America and Asia-Pacific.
As Riccardo Stoppa, Saint-Gobain’s Business Director of Cement additives related to Global Cement Magazine in our May 2024 issue, the Construction Chemicals Business Unit of Saint-Gobain’s High Performance Solutions (SGHS) division broadly produces two groups of products for the cement and concrete sector: additives and admixtures; and a wider range of more recent products using newer chemistry approaches. Saint-Gobain’s total annual revenue is around €48bn/yr with SGCC’s contribution weighing in at around €1bn/yr. Most of that latter revenue derives from the former businesses of Chryso and GCP. Finally, Stoppa highlighted SGCC’s strength in North America, Europe and China but also highlighted the potential in the Middle East for its products. That last point makes interesting reading in light of the current Fosroc deal.
India was flagged as a benefit of the proposed Fosroc purchase. If any further reminder of the growth and market consolidation taking place there were needed, UltraTech Cement revealed this week that it is in the process of buying a 23% share of The India Cements. This story ties into the rivalry between the country’s two largest cement companies. Both UltraTech Cement and Adani Group are mounting up production capacity at pace through both acquisitions and by building new plants. All of this is rosy news for a company selling additives and admixtures to the cement and concrete market.
Saint-Gobain latest acquisition is subject to the usual regulatory conditions as one might expect. Yet, what Saint-Gobain didn’t mention in its statement, was that it reportedly had one of its sites in Türkiye visited in late 2023 as part of an international investigation into anti-competitive behaviour in the sector. Switzerland-based Sika was also linked to the case at the time. The UK-based Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced in October 2023 that it had launched an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to the supply of chemicals for use in the construction industry. It said it was working with the European Commission and that it had been in contact with other authorities, including the US Department of Justice, Antitrust Division. At this time Sika confirmed to Construction News that inspections had taken place into “suspected antitrust irregularities in the area of additives for concrete and cement.” However, it is important to note here that these were merely information gathering activities and no accusations of any breaches of competition law have been made so far. All of this suggests that Saint-Gobain does not seem too troubled by the interest of the various competition bodies with regards to its expansion plans.
In his interview, Stoppa told Global Cement Magazine that SGCC’s products allow cement and concrete producers to reduce the amount of cement used in their concrete. This is almost heretical thinking to a world that produces too much clinker. Yet Saint-Gobain is betting on exactly this outcome through the expansion of its construction chemicals division. Its purchase of Fosroc is the latest stage in this line of thought. It’s not the only company doing this. In May 2023 Sika completed its purchase of MBCC Group, another admixture manufacturer. Further sector consolidation looks likely.
UAE: India-based UltraTech Cement has revised its former offer to acquire a 32% stake in RAK White Cement.The group told investors on 25 June 2024 that it is now seeking to acquire a 25% stake. The acceptance period for its previous offer elapsed on 24 June 2024.
RAK White Cement encourages shareholders to accept UltraTech Cement’s offer to acquire stake
11 June 2024UAE: The board of RAK White Cement has recommended that its shareholders accept a cash offer from UltraTech Cement for the acquisition of a further stake in the company. Global Cement News reported in May 2024 that UltraTech Cement had offered to acquire 32% of shares in the company. It previously acquired 29% in April 2024.